
Hello, friends! If you have been following me on social media you may have seen a sneak peek at the first image of Hank the Hamster. I am so excited to bring this little guy to life for you all! While Albert is generally for readers 3-6, Hank the Hamster is almost 2000 words and for readers generally 7-9. The sketches I received this past weekend look amazing, and I am anxiously awaiting the color images for review. I am hoping to have the book available tentatively for Spring 2025. So keep following the socials and checking the blog for updates!

What is Hank the Hamster about? Here is the first draft of the book summary for your review!

I am working on a new website just for Hank. You can check out the work in progress here.

My first event for 2025 is coming up on Saturday, February 1 at the Pritchard Laughlin Civic Center in Cambridge, OH, for the 4th Annual Guernsey County Family Reading Festival. I hope you are able to attend and will find my third book, Albert the Donkey Solves a Mystery, available for free at the giveaway table!

More events are being added so keep checking the blog and the events page for more to come! I look forward to seeing everyone this year!

Best wishes,

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